Return to the Essence
Shivallah Dharma
BAUPLE RECREATION CENTRE - Bauple, QLD . . . Sunday 9am-1pm, September 8, 2024
Uniquely embodied awareness as the One within... we are. Beyond mind, beyond time, beyond the imprisonment of conceptual thinking and commercial construct. We rest inside, recognising - "I am the Sacred One within, I am priceless beyond measure."
CONSCIOUSNESS RETRIEVAL and Resetting is like establishing a strong and stable foundation to withstand the unpredictable psychological weather patterns, storms, hail and dangerous winds, we can experience throughout life.
WE BEGIN BY CENTERING our minds and focussing our awareness on the core of our being, which is consciousness itself. That inmost space and intelligence that has always remained undivided, untouched and indestructible, whether we know it or not.
BEFORE ATTENDING TO THE WALLS and roof of the house, let us begin at the beginning, dedicated to discovering what it means to be whole, free from fear, judgment and condemnation. Let us begin with loving-kindness, understanding, compassion and unconditional acceptance. Om Shanti
BAUPLE RECREATION CENTRE - Bauple, QLD . . . 2pm-3:30pm Saturday 15, 22 & 29 June 2024
SAT-SANGHA, THE VERY FOUNDATIONAL PROCESS of Community Consciousness, is an invitation into the inner sanctuary of our essential being. Regardless of living in a world full of distraction, compromise, fear and forgetfulness, the deepest reality of our consciousness is always, already pure, free and radiant.
WITHIN THE COMMUNITY CIRCLE GATHERING, there arises a tacit recognition of a tangible quality of peace that is beyond concept and understanding.
UNLIKE THE CONVENTIONAL TIME ORIENTATION of western minded psychology, various therapy approaches and management strategies, Sat-Sangha invites us into an immediate transcendence, through immersion into the timelessness of being. Dedication and the constancy of practice automatically establishes an ever increasing stability of body, mind and spirit.
RETURNING TO THE PRESENCE OF OUR ESSENCE in this manner, evokes a quietening of the mind, as our heart overflows with joy and a remembrance of life purpose.
WE FINISH THE AFTERNOON with a soul replenishing ‘sound’n silence’ frequency bath.
“Be kind to your sleeping heart. Take it out into the vast fields of light, and let it breathe… The heart is a thousand stringed instrument that can only be tuned with love… Only heart to heart can speak the bliss of mystic knowers.” - Hafiz (Sufi Mystic Poet)
Om Shanti.
BAUPLE RECREATION CENTRE - Bauple, QLD . . . 6:30pm-8pm Wednesday 7th February 2024
Return To The Essence
Evening Immersion
Awakening our Divine Blueprint
Aligning with the Stillness of Being
Ascending into the Radiance of Light
By returning to the essence, we are choosing to fulfil the ancient longing for peace, harmony and unity. As we align with the stillness of being, our Divine blueprint reveals itself and the heart joyfully overflows with the radiant light of love and fragrance of peace.
Welcome fellow travellers on the path of Love and Awareness. Welcome to all those seekers moving towards and into wholeness. Welcome to the healers, intuitive’s, mediums, teachers and mystics. Welcome to all lovers of nature and Mother Earth. To all who long to connect and commune with a wider circle of soul family community… welcome home to the unifying sanctuary of unconditional peace.
If this invitation activates your soul, you will recognise the truth of the offering.
If it speaks to your heart, you will feel the joy and sense the meaningfulness.
If it sparks curiosity, it may resonate with your own calling and inspire you.
“For ages you have come and gone courting this delusion.
For ages you have run from the pain and forfeited the ecstasy.
So come, return to the root of the root of your own soul.
Although you appear in earthly form,
Your essence is pure Consciousness."
~ Rumi ~
THE SHEDDING Fraser St, Hervey Bay, QLD . . . 7pm-8:30pm Thursday 11, 18 & 25 January 2024
BAUPLE RECREATION CENTRE - Bauple, QLD . . . 6:30pm-8pm Wednesday 10, 17, 24 & 31 January 2024
The Artistry of Meditation
Evening Classes
Struggling with your practice of Meditation or deepening your mindfulness throughout the day?
Judging yourself for failing to be like a Zen Monk, or at least consistent with your practice?
How can we turn simple mundane tasks into a meditation, without the pressure of time or goal-setting?
Can we transform our daily activities into a discovery of hidden harmony, joy, vitality and fulfilment?
‘The Artistry of Meditation’ is an invitation to improve and strengthen our wellness and deepen our sense of well-being. Throughout the workshops we discuss and experiment with a variety of ancient and contemporary meditation techniques to enhance everyday mindfulness. The workshops provide an oasis to enhance our awareness and alertness for centering during these times of upheaval and chaos. An opportunity for cultivating inner peace as we anchor into the stillness of being.
In the classes and workshops we will be exploring…
The sound of speech, breath awareness and silence.
Healing emotional wounds and trauma patterns through
Mindfulness and the conscious shift of attention.
Centering and grounding through a Self-Enquiry process.
The Power of Presence, Zen walking and Stillness.
“Absorbed in the joy of being, for the sake of being absorbed in joy.”
As we open up to our multi-dimensional potentiality, we may undergo clearing, healing and recalibration processes. A nurturing space will be required, hence we will be gentle, loving and compassionate to ourselves and one another, recognising that we are all sensitive and unique beings.
“It was a beautiful lesson in awareness, breath, stillness and soul understanding. Of knowing that I come before my thoughts, feelings, actions... before all of it, I am. Shivallah's skill lies in not just discussing meditation but bringing it's peace to the fore. Even as you're learning, you're at peace.” - Peta Johansen / Hervey Bay, Australia
"Shivallah opens the door to become present through meditation. We all have the ability to recognise and utilise this beautiful gift using the breath and awareness, to connect and go deeper in our every day life. I recommend attending this workshop to learn/remember this aspect of ourselves. Shivallah lives and breathes this peaceful way of life and you feel it in his presence. Namaste.” - Jenny Pepper / Bauple, Australia
"Shivallah creates a field of unconditional love in his workshops and evenings that helped me every time I participated, to immediately dive into the ‘realm of all there is’. I highly recommend participating in Shivallah's Workshops or Meditations to enhance your life-experience here on the planet and to enrich your relationships.” - Ariya Lorenz / Hawaii
"My experience with Shivallah's meditation was a confirmation of the balance we are moving into, in oneness, in stillness, in divine presence." - Michael Veys / Mt Shasta, USA
"Shivallah knows how to hold the heart and soul of a group dynamic and lift everyone
to a higher level of trust and gentle insightfulness." - Kimana / Colorado, USA