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Inspired articles for evoking a remembrance.

The Calling

~  Love's Invitation To Return Home  ~


To me, 'The Calling' always has been and always will be 'Loves' invitation to return home. It is an invitation from 'the beyond', the Great Mystery, presented to us countless times within our everyday living to experience the essence of life, the gift of love and the opportunity to remember who and what we essentially are. In truth, the calling is from the 'One' to the 'One', from the one consciousness to the one consciousness through the seeming jungle of the 'many'. 


It is a clarion call through the veils of forgetfulness and ignorance, for the true One, the Sacred One to remember its indefeasible 'Oneness' within the dance of life. As this unfathomable intelligence awakens within the dream reality we call life on earth, its self-reflected awareness evolves through the multi-faceted experiences of being human. What an adventure and celebration we are offered as we consciously grow in understanding and accept love’s invitation.

This is the fundamental message and contribution (in one way or another) of all spiritual teachers, visionaries, light-workers, healers and emissaries of peace, regardless of their personal practice, methods of teaching or religious and cultural heritage. Within this invitation, there is also the consideration that the global peace we collectively long for can only be discovered and established through the cultivation of inner peace. 


This realm of 'inner peace' then reveals to us that it is simply a by-product of intelligence returning home to the sanctuary of consciousness, whereby the reinstating of love releases a fragrance which is beyond understanding. This fragrance truly is the most precious treasure on earth.

For humanity to experience global peace, however, the Universal Law of Interdependence must also be abided by. A law that governs all of life and reminds us that there only is "Life giving unto Life”, a compassionate weaving of the thread of love throughout the entire tapestry of existence.

As with all spiritual laws, however, no human being can be forced to understand, let alone live in accordance with such a fundamental principle of life. We are only ever invited by life and in turn, can only invite one another to live together in harmony and unity. This is why I refer to the 'The Calling' as an invitation, not a demand.


How we respond to this calling will determine the quality of our life and whether or not we have fulfilled our purpose on this sacred earth. Om Shanti

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Way Of Trust ~ #1

~  Returning to the innocence and courage of the heart  ~


I have no intention as to how this article should begin, but in the long run, it doesn't really matter. Why? Because the one who is reading this, is the real story that has to be remembered and engaged in. And I trust that what is about to be read will do exactly that as you receive these words, as an energetic invitation. 


So let us begin...


To bring about a significant and transforming change in one’s life, in whatever area we need, it is necessary to have our consciousness brought into the present moment. To be brought into an awareness of being consciously present within this timeless presence. The purpose for such a focus is to simply step out of the process of habitual thinking and emoting. To be vitally alive, radiant, and poised in being. To re-experience the innate freedom, the spaciousness and the peace that comes with the territory of our essential being. The reason for this is that our authentic being, rather than the personality matrix, exists as the embodiment of life in this one and only moment called “Here-Now”.


Hence the effortless flow of life and love we experience when we are riveted in those moments of conscious awareness ... 


“Absorbed in the joy of being,

for the sake of being absorbed in joy.”


Do I have your attention yet? Are you with me in a quality of absorption whereby you have for a moment become oblivious to the past and future? If you have, then welcome home to the sanctuary that your heart truly recognizes and longs for. Now take refuge, even if only for a moment, in this sacred space that has and always will remain untouched by the world, despite the attempts by our mind to convince us otherwise.


Yes, I do agree that this may sound idealistic or seemingly impossible when we are continually beckoned by the world to take care of the demands of worldly responsibility. Or even if we are in such circumstances that our very survival demands our complete attention, time and energy. But what better time can there be, especially when we are cornered into an impasse. 


We have been collectively trained to compromise and abide by consensual agreement, to pass over the reins to the mind and do what we are told, fueled by the force of fear, deceived by the illusion that we had no other choice, or it was our intention in the first place, anyhow. 


Having been either miseducated or uneducated in the choices that are available in any given moment, we simply collapse into self-contraction. A psychological-physical contraction that inevitably turns into a chronic state of either psychological neurosis or physical disability ... leading up to a complete shutdown and ultimately an early death or simply an unlived, unconscious life. 


How is 'Trust' possible though, for the individuals and groups of human beings, in different cultures that are undergoing either destitution, destruction, torture and even genocide? How is it possible for them to live in trust under such extreme duress?


Let us consider the following questions in response, as a way of deepening our quest to be more awake and living a life of service, out of loving-kindness, compassion and peace... 


Is their apparent suffering happening to them, just for them, or is it happening as a byproduct, as the epitome of our collective programming, ignorance and lack of universal sister-brotherhood, grounded in the awareness of Global Unity? 


Secondly, could it be that this is the degree of pressure that is required for consciousness to awaken itself? 


Is this pressure ultimately being applied by the “Universal Intelligence" irrespective of our assumptions, judgements, beliefs and concepts? 


Even though it appears to be completely irrational and void of love, could it yet be an absolute expression of compassion within a cosmic plan?  


Could it be the Sacred 'One' Consciousness awakening itself from its self-imposed dreaming of infinite dreams and nightmares? 


In the light of considering the answers to these questions, we could say that the opportunity to trust is always being evoked in one form or another, regardless of whether we recognise it or not. But what is trust in essence? How can it be defined let alone understood? Before we consider this, let us turn our attention towards that first entry into this existential experience we call being human.


We begin this life in absolute vulnerability, with no sense of knowledge of any danger or existential threat and no knowledge of what trust is or what trust isn’t. Hopefully we will use our intelligence to give ourselves the gift of being able to reach that stage of conscious human development where we once again return to the original state of absolute vulnerability, no knowledge, and no trust. 


But why would I speak of "no" trust when the title of this article is called the "Way of Trust? 


Because with no knowledge, trust is unnecessary. What I am speaking of here is derived from the universal spiritual understanding that to return to our original innocence, like that of a new-born child, the path of knowledge is ultimately relinquished. Knowledge is replaced by an intuitive knowing which arises out of the formless space of 'not knowing'. Trust evolves into 'acceptance' which arises out of the innate recognition of seeing that which is ... is! 


The be the One who is perceiving that which is, is to be the One sitting at home in the milieu of unconditional love and peace, with an acceptance of all that is happening.


Prior to the completion of this fragile momentary incarnation or at least upon our deathbed, the Mystery of Life is giving us the opportunity to return to this source with each breath of life that we receive. So, let us say yes, be whole-heartedly dedicated and get on with it, before it is too late.


Preferably NOW rather than tomorrow. Om Shanti

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Way Of Trust ~ #2

~  Discovering Self-Worth as the Jumping Board for Trust  ~


Dispelling the unseen shades of fear;

Illuminating the shadow of forgetfulness;

We untie the self-created knot of unworthiness.

Through the courage to be vulnerable, to be real, to be authentic … our sense of worthiness to be in existence with all the uniqueness and individuality life has given us, deepens unimaginably. Unconditional acceptance of whatever has happened in the past and what is happening moment by moment becomes the milieu of our lives. A healthy self-worth will give us the ability to respond to life, rather than leaving us with an indifferent or detached personality. Whether living a poverty-stricken, middle class or wealthy lifestyle, discovering and reclaiming one's true self-worth is a treasure beyond all measure.

How do we measure the value of anything or what is valuable and what is not?


Do we evaluate the worth of our time and energy; the worth of our skills, talents or gifts; the worth of things, experiences or life lessons; the worth of family, friends and loved ones; the worth of the world of mind versus the way of the heart, based on our own intelligent determination and truly demonstrate this in our everyday life?


Or do we “talk the talk” but then find ourselves unconsciously going along with the crowd and accepting the consensus agreement of “whatever value is given by the master, is acceptable by the slave” kind of attitude?


The master: meaning that which defines and governs our sense of self-worth. Depending upon the evolutionary stage of our emotional development, we either depend upon the security of control and protection by a superior authority and force or are sufficiently mature enough to surrender to and trust in the inner intelligence and power of life. 

Do we have the ability to value our inmost “self” or the “soul”, above all else then?


What is it really worth to us, in comparison to all the other goals in life we have been programmed to believe in and follow with such passion?


And all in the name of “success” in order to prove that “I am somebody who is worth something”. Even if it is just praise for the ego, in the name of love, acting as a consoling balm and band aid for soothing the wound of all wounds. On some level, no matter how deeply buried, we all know that this is what is happening globally, on a daily basis, at the expense of forgetting and losing the greatest treasure as a human being … that which lies within … Self-Worth ! 

The wound of losing touch with ones sense of self-worth has gone so deep that it is almost “beyond measure” also.


Yes, we can and have risen above this wound, perhaps many times and seemingly for good, again and again. For many who have worked consistently on their healing and awakening process … numerous spiritual, metaphysical and psychological insights, attitudinal shifts and consciousness-transforming experiences have occurred.


Yet, how integrated and whole are we really as a healthy human being? You know, the one who is capable of expressing its highly valued and self-esteemed ideals of unconditional love, kindness and compassion! How unconditional is your giving and receiving?


Does it reflect your “Self-Worth”?


Are you living and sharing your inner life as an absolute treasure beyond all measure?

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The Priceless Value Of Consciousness

~  Awakening and Nurturing our Timeless Essence  ~


During the year of 2022, I shared an insight through the following meme… 


“Unless we value what we value,

we will lose the value, of what we haven’t valued.”


Let us consider in this moment the following insight…


“By assigning a value to that which is priceless,

we inadvertently commercialise that which is boundless.”


The etymology of Commerce: (1580s)

“interchange of goods or property, trade.” From Latin… Commercium: “trade, trafficking”.



In this living moment as we progress towards 2025, let us consider and ponder over the following… 


It appears that we must adhere to the functioning of each unique nation, culture and society, governed by their uniquely designed value systems. But what if our commercial, cultural, religious, philosophical, and psychological value systems have become the wardens that manage and maintain our subservience to the mind?


The unique embodiment, and Presence of consciousness can never be reduced by a value system, and encapsulated into a value. Our unique consciousness is fundamentally transcendent of any intellectual construct, concept and imprisonment through commercialism. Yet, this has become the tendency and practice of being driven by either the fear of survival, the insatiable desire to consume, the lust for power, or successfully fulfilling the idea of achieving the ‘best version’ of one’s self. 


In a world governed by mind, controlled by commerce, everything is perceived as a commodity and reduced to a value. Encapsulating the priceless into a price, inevitably, brings sorrow to the soul, as we diminish and dislocate from what matters the most in life… the universal principles of interdependence, unity, harmony, loving-kindness, and peace. By reducing the priceless to a value, we contribute to the limiting of the limitless, and feed the ultimate imprisonment of self-contraction. 


Sadly, we remain steeped in unawareness… stuck in the identity of self, dislocated from our authentic being. In so doing, we unknowingly forget about our souls ancient longing for the awakening of our timeless essence… for the flowering of our essential Consciousness. Oh how the minds value system and concept of valuing can be such a stealth imprisoning strategy… plucking the feathers of courage from our longing for wholeness, freedom and peace.



CAN WE FREE THE SOUL from the imprisonment of the mind through some goal-oriented strategy, created and operated by the mind in the first place? Does it require time? Are we inescapably bound to time? 



OR IS IT A MATTER OF SIMPLY CHOOSING to be free in the living moment? A matter of unwavering dedication and courage in taking a quantum leap out of the known, into the unknown? 



WOULD IT BE SOCIALLY ACCEPTED in the first place? Not necessarily so. Would such an action of devotion be recognised for what it truly is or viewed as being escapism?



As much as we may want to inspire and encourage or guide and support another on their life journey into wholeness, freedom and peace, it remains a unique adventure and process of discovery for every individual. ‘Infinite are the locks, infinite are the keys.’ Thank you for reading, receiving and reflecting. Wishing you well on your journey from here to now, in the land of now-here. 


Om Shanti, 

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“Uniquely embodied awareness

as the One within... we are.


Beyond mind, beyond time, beyond the imprisonment of conceptual thinking and commercial construct.


We rest inside recognising...

I am the Sacred One within.

I am priceless beyond measure.” - S.D.

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